Zoning, Building & Land

North Londonderry Township has contracted the Lebanon County Planning Department as a PA Certified 3rd Party Inspection Agency to administer and enforce the PA Uniform Construction Code, Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning Enforcement, and Sewage Enforcement. For information and permits, contact the Lebanon County Planning Department at 717-228-4444.

Easements & Right-of-Ways


If you weren’t provided a plot plan or deed for your property, now would be a good time to obtain a copy, before building begins. You may be surprised to find there are sizeable areas along your property that, although you maintain by cutting grass, etc., you are limited as to what else can occupy this designated area.

These areas are usually for underground utility lines or waterways and allow space for crews and equipment to work on repairs if needed. For that reason, the erection of any structure, permanent or temporary, may be restricted.

You can find various information about your property at the Lebanon County-City Building, either at the Recorder of Deeds, Assessment Office, or Lebanon County Planning Department.

Subdivision & Land Development – Helpful Information

Your Rights

  • A contractor may not demand or receive any payment for a home improvement before the home improvement contract is signed.
  • A contractor must provide you with a copy of the complete contract free of charge.
  • A contract is not enforceable against a consumer if it does not include all of the information required by law.
  • You have the right to rescind your contract without penalty within three business days of the signing date, except as provided under law for emergency situations.

Beware of Home Improvement Fraud! All contractors performing projects over $500 or totaling over $5,000 per year must register with the PA Attorney General. Contractors must display their registration number on all contracts, estimates, proposals, and advertisements. To verify a contractor’s registration number, call 1-888-520-6680 or visit the AG’s Home Improvement Consumer Information website.

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