Recycling and Trash Collection

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Household Trash

Collected by a Private Hauler

Township residents are at liberty to choose a hauler unless otherwise specified through a Homeowners Association. The Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority provides a list of haulers permitted to operate within the Township.


Township Ordinance 120 requires residents, businesses, and institutions to separate all noted recyclables from their trash. All haulers must collect the materials listed below. Commercial, institutional, or industrial establishments must also separate and recycle high grade office paper.

Curbside Recycling

Additional Recycling

At North Londonderry Township Compost Facility

North Londonderry Township has dumpsters available to all residents for corrugated cardboard, newspaper, and paper / paperboard (e.g. cereal boxes). Do not bag or bind your items, deposit them freely.

Magazines can be recycled in the Ronald McDonald House Charity collection container at the corner of E. Broad St. and N. Prince St.

Household Chemicals & Hazardous Waste

Collected by MXI INC – contracted through GLRA

Dispose of old paint, lawn and garden chemicals, automotive fluids and more through this curbside collection service. For a $15.00 co-pay, Lebanon County residents may arrange for a home pick-up of hazardous household waste. There is a limit of one pick-up per household per year.


Collected by Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority (GLRA)

The GLRA accepts a variety of electronics for FREE at its Electronics Recycling Center. The facility is located at 1805 Russell Road, Lebanon and available to residents and small businesses within Lebanon County. For a list of acceptable items and hours of operation, visit the GLRA website.

Battery Recycling

Collected by Greater Lebanon Refuse Authority (GLRA)

Also at their Electronic Recycling Center, the GLRA accepts all rechargeable and single use batteries for FREE. To prevent fires and explosions, all batteries must be placed in individual clear plastic storage/ziplock bag. Plastic bags are available for residents at the battery recycling station.


Collected by North Londonderry Township Police Department

North Londonderry Township Police Department has a collection box in the lobby for expired or unused medications. Drop-offs can be made from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. All medications should be brought in their original containers with personal information blacked out or removed. No fee or identification is necessary to make a drop-off.


  • Prescription and over the counter solid medications
  • Tablets & capsules
  • Liquid medications in their original containers (i.e. cough syrups)
  • Prescription Patches
  • Medical creams & Ointments
  • Vitamins
  • Nasal sprays
  • Pet medicines

Not Accepted

  • Intravenous solutions
  • Syringes & needles (i.e. EpiPens)
    • Take these items to a health care professional’s office or hospital for proper disposal
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Compressed cylinders or aerosols (asthma inhalers)
  • Thermometers
  • Alcohol
  • Iodine-containing medications

Ink Cartridge Recycling

Collected by DoorStepInk

In just three simple steps, residents and businesses can recycle ink cartridges for FREE.

  1. Gather 4 or more printer cartridges (no toners), place them in any old box, and seal it.
  2. Request a free USPS shipping label.
  3. Mail it from your home or business.

It’s that simple!

Shredding Of Sensitive Documents

The annual community wide Shred Event is open to residents and businesses of the Palmyra Area School District, free of charge. This year, the event will be on Saturday, May 10, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m, rain or shine. Only bring documents containing confidential information. Otherwise we have a roll-off container outside the compost site for all other paper products.

Where do I go?
655 East Ridge Road, Palmyra. Upon arrival, follow the posted signs to the shred truck. The drive-thru nature allows us to quickly move residents up to the shred truck as volunteer Township employees assist with unloading and transporting documents to the truck.

Is there an allowable limit?
A maximum of 10 file boxes will be accepted per customer.

What should I shred?
In short, destroy all paperwork or junk mail that includes sensitive information such as account numbers, birth dates, passwords and PINS, signatures, and social security numbers.

Do I have to stay until my documents are shredded?
Once your documents are unloaded you are free to leave. If you prefer to watch your documents being shredded, you will be directed to a designated parking location.

Do I need to remove staples?
Only staples and paper clips can go through the shredder. Prior to the event, remove any binder rings, clips, credit cards, and media discs to prevent damage to the equipment.


Collected by Lebanon County – Penn State Cooperative Extension

The next collection event will be on May 1, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

This annual event is open to all residents of Lebanon County, tires will be accepted at $4 per auto tire and $40 per large tire (rim diameter is 25 inches or greater). All tires must be off the rim, drained of water, and not excessively dirty or burned. Preregister in order to avoid long lines. Municipal funds are limited so it’s best to reserve for your tires before they run out. This service is provided on a first come first served basis. Preregistration for the 2024 event opens February 20, 2024 and closes April 15, 2024.

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